Hello BlogConsulting.com readers! My name is Marcus Anderson and I will be posting many more articles on blogging & social media topics for you in the future. I have launched several blog hubs for social media campaigns in my 23-year corporate career.
One thing that every corporate or business blog has in common is a start-up period. During this time it is important to realize the personality of your blog is yet to be determined. Think of your blog as a newborn child. The genetics, infrastructure & design, will in place. The environment it was born into will eventually impact its personality (tone) of your platform as it matures.
There is always a sufficient amount of parental attention, and well-intended suggestions from relatives during the first months. This might lead to some uncomfortable moments.
You may have multiple authors who contribute to your site, each with a unique writing style. You might have corporate stakeholders vying to influence the blog’s messaging. Some might push for loud marketing & soft promotion, others will ask for protective brand press releases.
It takes a village to raise a blog. Eventually, you will learn how to deal with the corporate culture, filter through all the advice & input from the in-laws, and see your blog grow.