I’ve written about WordPress now more times than I can count but it’s just because I can’t get enough of it! So we asked some of our clients… “Why did you pick WordPress over various other platforms?” and I thought you’d find the responses interesting.
Themes Themes Themes
Free or Paid, WordPress has the theme for you. Even more amazing is that having a custom theme created doesn’t break the bank. In fact, it’s relativity affordable to have a customized theme made (depending on your needs of course). Check our blog design services for more information.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of amazingly free themes to choose from and with a little html know-how you can turn it into your own creation.
User-Friendly Interface
If the multitude of free themes available wasn’t enough then how about the fact that WordPress has one of the most user-friendly backends for blogging? It’s pretty straightforward. You want to make a new post? Then click Post then Add New. Want to add a new link? Then click Links and click Add New. The ease-of-use just continues.
The plugins are what really makes this software really stand out. It goes above and beyond “blog software” when you see what the plugins can do. There’s one for nearly any task you can think of. You can turn your WordPress into a forum, arcade, user-submitted video site or joke site, and so much more.
The feature is, in fact, known as “pretty permalinks” in the WordPress community. You can create your permalinks almost any way you like. From the standard, to ending in .html, or category/date/postname and more. This feature really help with your SEO and is yet another feature that makes WordPress an incredible platform.
The features and functions of WordPress don’t stop there. Check it out for yourself.