While there are a variety of plugins you can play with through WordPress there are only a few that really stand out. WordPress and the plugins that support it have truly transformed this blog’s software into a full CMS system capable of doing nearly any feat you require.
Some plugins, however, that you simply can’t live without. They help you improve your SEO score, keep up-to-date stats of your visitors, and much more. While these aren’t in any particular order we can assure you that you’ll find them extremely helpful.
- Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
- WP Super Cache
- Akismet
- Feedburner
- Google XML Sitemaps
- AddThis
- OnlyWire
- WP-Polls
- SpamShiv Lite
- All in One SEO Pack
- Contact Form 7
- Honorable Mention: Exec-PHP
Yet Another Related Post is a plugin that automatically plugs similar entries you’ve created into your post. How does this help you? It allows you to keep your visitors around longer which, in turn, can improve traffic and even ad revenue and usually shows them you have more to offer on the subject they’ve came to your site to read about.
If you haven’t heard of WP Super Cache, what rock have you been living under? The benefits of this plugin are apparent usually within a day of having it installed. How does it benefit you? It lowers load times on your server (be it shared or dedicated) so there is less strain on your blog and server by creating static HTML pages of your entire blog. Then when visitors come to your site, it displays your HTML pages up instead of processing PHP and MySQL. How it benefits your visitors? Faster page loads, and what visitor wouldn’t love that?
Akismet comes standard with all WordPress blogs. Use it and consider your spam troubles history. It runs various tests whenever you receive a new trackback, comment, or ping to see if it should be allowed in your blog. No blacklisting or work is needed from you once you’ve activated it and put your API Key into the system. The key can be obtained at WordPress.com by registering.
Replace your old RSS feeds with this amazing system. Your feeds get redirected to Feedburner and in return Feedburner gives you amazing stats on your subscribers. From what post they read, where they came from, and so much more.
Unless you’ve been on Mars for the last several years, Google is the top search engine out there. Sitemaps makes crawlers, those pesky little things going all over your blog, able to retrieve the data they need to update their pages about your site. It supports custom URLs and it even notifies all major search engines when you’ve made updates.
AddThis is an amazing Social Bookmarking tool that allows your visitors to share the things they find most interesting on your site with the world. It supports all the major Social Bookmarking websites and dozens you’ve probably never even heard of. It has several options to let you adjust their button to match the look and feel of your theme.
OnlyWire is one of those secret “tools of the trade” so many people don’t want you to find out about. Imagine a website where you can input login information to dozens of Social Bookmarking and Social Media websites then have new updates you make be automatically posted to them through the use of a WordPress plugin. Sounds to good to be true, right? Think again! OnlyWire offers free and paid services and is a true one stop spot to obtaining traffic, ranking, and so much more.
There are any number of bloated poll plugins for WordPress. Many that add unnecessary graphics, text, and links to polls you’ve added when all you really want is a simple and easy to use feature to offer your visitors. WP-Polls is the answer to your prayers! Lightweight, customizable, and as easy, WP-Polls gives you what you want and leaves out what you don’t need.
SpamShiv Lite, being the free version, converts email addresses you input to your blog into an unrecognizable code for crawlers going around the Internet looking for addresses to add to their spam list. This plugin protects not only your email address, but any that is added to your blog from spam. A must have, some might say.
Words cannot describe what this plugin can truly offer. It allows you to control every aspect of SEO for your blog, internally, with several small extras. One extra being the use of “tags” as meta keywords in single entries. It would take a whole page to write about all the features and benefits All in One SEO Pack has to offer but until you try it for yourself, you’ll never really understand.
Contact Form 7 isn’t just a simple contact form, it’s a contact form which offers multiple form creations (depending your various needs), customization of exactly what you want, and an easy to use admin interface. Create any number of forms for your users to contact you and have those messages sent to any email address you require. Oh and it supports AJAX, CAPTCHA, and Spam Filtering.
Exec-PHP may not be something that you find yourself needing often but when you do it can be a life saver. It allows you to run PHP script within entries and pages.
While you may find only a few of these plugins useful for your needs, they are all truly amazing. They help increase usability and options you can offer your readers and even yourself. Best of all, they’re free!
Thanks Pavel , i would like to add
1 – Admin plugins :
– Broken Link Checker , through out time you will find many broken links , so you have to check them regularly . And i found out that this is the best plugin to do that . it will show you statistics in your dashboard allowing you to delete the link, unlink or edit it .
-Simple Tags: mass edit tags tool you will enjoy it. it can even suggest tags from search engines and from your previous tags .
-Simply Show IDs : it will show the id of posts , pages in the admin area . i think this should be built in future wp versions.
2- Social plugins like :
Tweet meme
facebook share
WP FB Like .